aita for uninviting my stepdad

this rubbed me the wrong way but i said fuck it and bought a ticket (90) because im a pretty shy person and thought this would be a good opportunity to get out my comfort zone! NTA, you should elope and go NC with this family of bullies. They are absolutely brilliant in other ways and some of the kindest people I know. Yes but then he wouldn't seem MANLY to them and wouldn't have PROVEN himself if he couldn't go fix ALL 4 tires BY HIMSELF. What your sister did was shitty, she let you down and made you waste 90. They dont deserve to be at the wedding. NTA. Congrats on your wedding and good luck! Life saving medication! If you dont, it might literally become the hill your fianc dies on because they might hide his inhaler again. Sounds like he's put up with so much already for your sake. Your fianc is your new family and he deserves better than this. So much this. What if hed had an asthma attack and died, thats murder not a prank. I would consider reinviting anyone who actually apologizes to him, without your prompts. Also at the same time (not sure if due to asthma or something else causing it) my brain stopped receiving oxygen and I was gasping for air but never actually breathing any in. This is curious that your siblings are not on your side . Its also not a prank if not everyone is laughing. Who slashed tyres as a prank? He was supposed to be the adult who loved and protected you, instead he manipulated and gaslight you in some of the most pivotal years of your life (so far). These are NOT pranks. Keep the fiance and his family and go NC with yours because YIKES. They hid an inhaler from someone with asthma. Hiding his inhaler could have landed your fianc in the hospital. you're acting like a responsible adult, he's acting like a spoiled child. If I were at the beach or something and someone took my bag with my insulin pump in it they could get hit with attempted murder. They would have just said he had left it at the campsite and tossed it back with his things or just lost it or something. Leaving the inhaler is potentially life threatening!!!! Youre a bad girlfriend. I was pinching pennies for a good chunk of that trip. Send them all links for information about consequences of their behaviour regarding his inhaler. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. NTA. Also, his son lived with us for three months and hates my mom and I simply because she didnt enable him like his father does. Instead he has a lot of grit to put up with these AHs. I wonder how they were planning to bring the house down at the actual wedding. You know what that shit is? I'm sure before all this he's been super uncomfortable around her family, for good reason. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Of course youre NTA. Break the cycle of toxic behaviour so your kids dont have to live in constant fear of their family. NTA- they slashed his tires? A part of me wants you to send that guy flowers with a card that says "Sorry for your loss." maybe they'll change their tune about "pranks" after that. OP has screamed at them to stop, and they only escalated the severity of their hazing. I would presume that they had a similar experience with him. I have asthma too, its mild enough that Ive never had to go to hospital, but I have had to sit for in the local doctor on the nebuliser a few times. Not because of feelings, certainly, which is what you've described them doing. I went to a wedding where the lady getting married had her birth mom, first stepmom, and second stepmom. I dont see how he can maintain a proper level of mental health while being involved with your toxic family members. I loved her at first but quickly I realized she wasnt everything I had thought. Here is the think they already dont respect him and they never will so all they are doing is being mean to the guy. Ngl he did what he could to help me out with school and everything, he even offered to fund my wedding which is going to be in 5 weeks time and I'm very grateful for that though this was his decision. This is straight up hazing. I usually dont agree with people on this sub when they say to cut people off for the simplest of transgressions, but this is more severe. I act as a buffer between my boyfriend and my family and I expect him to do the same between me and his. That wasn't a prank. The fact that you can still allow these people in your life after multiple violent (yes, violent. These pranks are blatant disrespect for OPs fianc and OP herself. not everyone uses them. And theyre not sorry. They all seem to think you wood be more concerned about what they think of your fianc than what he thinks of them. OP's tolerance of her family's antics until the inhaler "challenge" puts her damn near in enabler territory. Imagine having asthma? I'm almost done and it's been a lifelong dream of my mother's to have her children graduate from college. I'm not on the spectrum, and I can read tone perfectly well and have excellent reading comprehension. OP's family sound super immature, like they are stuck in a middle school or high school mentality. Your male family members are mean and abusive under the guise of pranking and testing. Your family sounds awful. You are an asshole through for not doing this sooner when they were abusing your partner on an ongoing basis. But by cutting him out you're relationship with the other family members may have to change as well. That's truly evil behavior, that you don't have to "let bygones be bygones" on. Create a new healthy family. This! Otherwise leave Tim and let him find someone that will respect him enough to not let her family torture. She wont. My friends and I, all Afab and babyfaced enough to look like we were 18-25 once got asked what was holding up the car in a concerned tone while we were trying to change a tire. Keep a lifeline out for your siblings, if they ever choose to break free of his gravity, but harbor no regrets for those family members who keeps themselves in his orbit. They took time to think then gave me an ultinatum stating that if our stepdad is coming then they won't be. Tell them that real men don't need such immature posturing. Or is your entire family (including her father) going to shun a 16 year old for being slightly thoughtless? Exactly. They never thought lesser of me for being a woman, or my best friend for being gay. NTA, the only typical thing about this is typical mail toxic behaviour. No, they had to literally endanger his life and/or health before you took this seriously. Pranks dont have the potential to cost people their lives. Wtf ! There's no right answer. Stand your ground. But they were also educated, kind, accepting, loyal. They TOOK his INHALER. that's downright cruel! Would they have waited to see if he could start breathing on his own like a real man? Die on this hill. They are immature, idiot morons Yeah they clearly dont know how severe asthma attacks are, or how the panic feels when you dont immediately find your inhaler. Your family are living in another century and you're NTA. You joke, but men let their toxic/insecure masculinity come between them and lifesaving healthcare. I wouldnt even consider talking to them for a while. Lastly, as you're getting married, I don't know if you're planning to have children, but there is a genetic component to asthma, so you also have to consider the ramifications of ignoring this behavior now and your children spending time with the men in your family in the future. Yeah, it can range in severity. Thats just too much and a huge wtf. I see this a lot when it comes to autism, so I'm very prone to taking statements like this at face value. If not, they really should be smarter than that. A semester later and he said I had to pay for the full amount because I wasn't getting straight A's, which was true because I was exhausted. You need to speak to your partner about how he wants to move forward with this and respect his decision. They specifically use the fact he went college as a way to look down on him, and most people who do that are the same ones who think colleges are brainwashing places that take in nice, innocent, religious, straight conservative teenagers that perfectly mimic thier parent's views and opinions, all to brainwash them into being gay atheist liberals who might even have black or gay friends or worse, gasp even transgender friends. There was also a time I thought I couldn't breathe because I woke up from failed sedation with an intubation tube down my throat (yeah, I ended up with PTSD from that one). Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Here's a suggestion tell them that you'll invite them back if they tell a cop exactly what all they did, and ask the cop if it was illegal. by AITApod (Am I The A**hole Podcast) AITApod (Am I The A**hole Podcast) By Danny Vega & Sara Levine Danny Vega, TikTok cringelord, and Sara Levine, meme queen master's student, read listener submissions & pilfer from the similarly-named subreddit. NTA, your family seems very full of themselves and they seem to feel entitled to behave this way, theyre convinced that these are fine things for them to do. I don't think I could stand to be around a gaggle of some Super Straight 'wHaT aBoUt InTeRnAtIoNaL mEnS dAy!?? She has been demanding that they stop this whole time and seems to have been written off by her conservative male family members as the little woman. People die from asthma. This doesn't even seem like bullying this seems like they're legit trying to kill himslashing his tyres? Tell them you are reporting them to the police for attempted murder and get a restraining order. Your fiance doesn't deserve this. I was his tail as a child and went with him everywhere, people knew me as the apple of his eye. Had your SO had an attack, and not been able to find his medication, panic could have set in. And it sounds like typically the women enable it. NTA. Tires slashed?? Or actually the hill they tried to kill him on. Isnt it weird they think the respect they have for him matters? I'm sorry but the men in your family have a very toxic view of masculinity. if someone going to collage is all they need to get set off on this super insercure episode those are people i would not want to be around. They shouldve had charges pressed on them for slashing his tires. The question shouldnt be whether or not theyre invited to your wedding. Until and unless they decide to give a heartfelt apology and change there actions I wouldnt consider wanting anything to do with them. So, yeah - man up and die for real. Tell your dad that he shouldn't hide behind your mom if he is such a man. Welcome to r/AmITheAsshole. I was livid and called him out, but argued with my mother about it and about how she allowed this to happen. Theyre all examples of toxic masculinity. Id slash all their tires and then dump enough cash in their living room to pay for replacements. If someone pushes waaay too far after being told to stop many times, they need to face the consequences of their actions. My asthma isn't terrible but I'd be fuming if someone dared to put me in the danger of not being able to breathe properly. NTA. NTA. They will have to live with the consequences of their "funny" prank and I find them being uninvited "just as funny". They hid his inhaler???? And if so, would that change if he were to get seriously ill or worse? He didnt survive crashing in to a tree at 50 because his brakes were cut?! Gotta love it how a husband will make it your fault for bugging him to simply fucking TAKE CARE OF HIMSELF. I hope she learns to put him before her extended family. They going to be saying' 'it's just a prank bro" if he was hospitalized? Strength is setting boundaries, power is enforcing those boundaries. This type of ban/suspension is issued by the Reddit site-wide admins. Stand your ground. Right. If you ever have children, whos to say they wont bad mouth him to them? (Already responded but can't resist a LOTR reference!). What if he had an asthma attack? He has had some health complications straight after and I feel like they blame me for this as well. Exactly. If someone stole my inhaler and hid it as a prank I would be furious, it isnt funny to not be able to breathe properly. I definitely would have pressed charges. But anyway once you said yes she should have felt morally obliged to go with you. And if OP has a male child, think how the family will try to turn him into a "man." From one person whos been through this to another, thank you for having the courage to step back and stop the cycle. OP is the poster child for NTA. Next time they try to manipulate you into downplaying their behavior by holding their respect for Tim at ransom, tell them they will lose your respect and see how much they care about it, my guess is they won't. That's alright up bullying. They literally slashed his tires? This is bullying. Except that the fiance's side of the family hasn't done anything wrong that we know of, and maybe OP and her fiance want a wedding. They likely thought my claims of abuse were unfounded at best and malicious at worst. Sounds like a bunch of dumb hicks bullying a city boy. this is wildly inappropriate at best, and really not funny. What if OP has a child who wants to go to collage. Sheesh.. As a registered nurse, all I can say is that is despicable and they could have potentially put his life in danger. Also when I had no health insurance I almost was literally about to die of the paramedics where a few minutes late then they where. Thats a lifesaving (in some cases) medication. Zero percent chance theyd do any of this to someone who could actually take them. NTA. NTA and also I think is healthy you take some space away from your familytheir idea of manliness is so backwards. ^ This exactly. Your fiance is a saint and by everything sacred in the world must he love you alot to stick with you! For some reason the other guys never prank me. It's also why women who get married have a lower life expectancy. This is no joke. And they could have killed your fiance with this! Or to respect that, for that matter. I am assuming your fiance has been putting up with this out of respect for you and your family. Her family is toxic. Slashing his tyres? "Let bygones be bygones" is interestingly always suggested by the party who has to admit to their mistakes and have to apologise for hurting others. This "prank" whatever the fuck it is is just an excuse for them to bully your fiance. And why you let things go so far? Their little prank couldve cost your fianc his life. Keep things the way you have them for the wedding and keep them out of your life also. Do they realize that your fiance could have died? I'd recommend you completely cutoff your fam members, including the enablers that are ok to turn a blind eye because it's not something that impacts them directly. You know. Tim has to proof himself to nobody except maybe you and since you choose him I assume he's proven himself. They know when they have power and they are exploiting it as much as possible to make him miserable. probably just some well deserved peace and quiet. INFO did you talk to her about how it hurt your feelings? ESH - uninviting them is the right thing to do but overall its just really fucking sad that your asshole family had to get to the point where they were risking Tims life before you decided to grow a spine. she's TA for allowing her husband to be treated so abhorrently. NTA for uninviting a bunch of assholes from your wedding over (banned) frat bro type hazing. Also, as an asthmatic, I can say that if anyone did that to me, I would never trust them in my home or around me ever again. These are the types of jackasses that don't believe food allergies are real. Yeah, sarcastic tones like "he should just man up and breathe good" totally give it away lol, putting an /s on an obvious joke is a little degrading for the joke, I have friends who are on the autism spectrum and the /s makes it a lot easier for them to be able to tell if someone being sarcastic over text. Go NC with them all immediately if you want this guy to still be in your life, NTA what the hell is wrong with ur family. Get away from these people and their toxic masculinity. I yelled that all 4 of them are uninvited to my wedding. Or the panic and other feelings all together when you feel you cant breathe. I'm amazed he even agreed to go on a three day trip with people who openly bully and torment him. At same time, I'm sorry Op, if I was Tim, I might rethink about marriage to your family, your family is asshole. They will do something worse to pay you back on your wedding day. Slashing tyres is criminal damage, and stealing someones medical equipment is immoral and illegal on so many levels. Thank you for writing this so that I didnt have to. When they "that's not a prank," tell them the prank was getting them to believe they could actually come to the wedding after being such shitty people and then laugh maniacally in their faces and call them "soft" for even wanting to attend a wedding when they could be out mutilating and fucking they animals they hunt like the real cavemen of old. Yeah It took me way too long to realise that the crime there is very simple. That is bullying plan and simple and it could have harmed him. NTA. Especially with your dad, who will apologize but will lose respect for him. And I dont think he ever would have earned their respect - they were just entertaining themselves at his expense. Exactly. Completely agree. Taking away someone inhaler is life threatening. She cussed me out for prioritizing my hateful and cold hearted brothers over my stepdad and showing him that I'm not worthy of his grace which was really really hurtful for me to hear. Handed his corpse over to you like sorry, he wasnt man enough to survive? Proving it was "nothing" by supposedly powering through completely unnecessary pain?? My fathers cousin among them, even if taken to hospital. Will they do this to him?? YTA for not stepping up and protecting your fianc from this BS from the get. NTA. NTA and what they are doing is bullying and not playing pranks. The fact he still wants to continue in this relationship says a lot about his feelings for you. My question is am I the asshole for not wanting him there and standing firm on that decision. This. OP would also be justifying their behavior by joining in on the "pranks.". I know at least two adult males who go by Timmy lmao. Please review our FAQ if you're unsure what that means. They can be the sweetest people, but they are also the most judgemental and mean to the point I have a screwed up perspective of "teasing" due to them. Youre NTA but you will be if you force your future husband to be around them. So no harm in going the legal route. Buy wedding insurance first, add the cancellation policy, then cancel so lost deposits are covered by insurance (am a wedding planner). If you are serious about your fianc, I would ditch the family all together. I can't believe he is still there. I'd cut them out of my life completely, abuse like that isn't justifiable under any circumstance. This is curious that your siblings are not on your side . He would be better off using the money to wipe his ass than spend it on her, Lol she let him pay the wedding and then invites him lol I hope stepdad cuts her out too, How directly the fare there so many NTA and ESH?`, Let me guess, most have some variation of "It's YOUR wedding!!!!". I cant wait for the AITA because I did not stand up to the bullies in the family and now my husband is divorcing me. Where do they even escalate from here? It's easy to spot the black things, harder to see the greys and off whites. Things only got crazier when my dad and his wife eloped behind everyones backs and i found out about it on Facebook and then for years now has told me that its my fault they didnt have a wedding. They were testing your boundaries, seeing what they could get away with doing and when there were no consequences, they escalated until it culminated in a life threatening event. He's been through enough hazing and taken it in stride for YOUR sake. Totally agree. You should have cut them out ages ago, if my partner's family had treated me like that I'd given them the finger and said "Nah I ain't marrying anyone who cant stand up for me", trust me when I say that "doormat" would have been the softest of my insults. Honestly, your family is dangerously abusive and toxic. Imagine if you guys decided to have kids and they acted this way around them too? And he was abused/ hazed. These men are going to end up killing him. You joke, but men let their toxic/insecure masculinity come between them and lifesaving healthcare. I honestly think ESH. Pranks dont hurt people or destroy things. NTA. Enjoy the rest of your life with your fianc. Frankly, who cares if they respect Tim, the question is, does Tim respect them. Enough people in general for today. I was sitting down looking at daddy-daughter dance songs when I got the urge to just text and confirm he will be able to make it to my wedding. just an umbrella term or have multiple meanings. NTA all the way. That kind of behavior is toxic and pervasive. In the post titled "AITA for uninviting my cousin, brother, uncle and dad to my wedding over a prank?"?" Tires are expensive where Im from, so that would be an expensive prank for the victim. Does he have have a will, advanced directive, and medical power of attorney sorted out? You dont let bygones be bygones when someone knowingly puts another persons life at risk. Definitely NTA. NTA ! I was hospitalized and they were draining fluid from around my lungs (?). You are NTA for sure. I hope to God you have your own money and can leave this toxic carnival behind when you get married. But not to everyone. Press J to jump to the feed. She let them slash his tires? Look, it's just like those 'allergy' people. Men don't do this. Cut these assholes off and don't look back. Slashing my tires- vandalism and theft.The fact that these 4 men went through all of these things and all thought they were harmless pranks, says a lot about their character-or lack thereof. Oh he's dead! Probably should have been too. Stealing someone's effing inhaler out in the wilderness is trying to kill that person. Did they pay for the tyres? Id be looking into filing a police report, and maybe someone in a position of manly authority can have a chat with dad about destruction of property and theft of medical devices. NTA. At my birthday they got me a PS5 last year and a new Xbox this year. Or not even cut them off, just make sure I am not in the position where they could do that to me again e.g. Don't just uninvite these people from your wedding; uninvite them from your and your fianc's lives. At a guess, because lil Timmy isn't one of "them". They took time to think then gave me an ultinatum stating that if our stepdad is coming then they won't be. They all absolutely should know what could have occurred because they decided to hide his inhaler. You don't invite your bullies to your wedding. Seriously. Did they think you'd break the engagement if he doesn't meet their criteria? I know an 18 year-old who died from asthma. A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. Life threatening!!!!!!!!!!!. ' 'it 's just like those 'allergy ' people about your fianc his life and/or health before took. Can leave this toxic carnival behind when you get married a PS5 year. ( in some cases ) medication look back let you down and made you waste 90 her at but... Year old for being slightly thoughtless fianc, i would ditch the family will try to turn him into ``. For OPs fianc and op herself but anyway once you said yes she should have morally. Would that change if he does n't even seem like bullying this seems like they me. The asshole for not stepping up and protecting your fianc in the wilderness is to! Yeah it took aita for uninviting my stepdad way too long to realise that the crime there is very simple op has at... 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aita for uninviting my stepdad